
Learn how to design software you can truly feel proud of. Design structured software easy to scale up, evolve, and maintain. Create a robust architecture based on the most important patterns and principles of the software design. 

* Training compatible with FUNDAE (Fundación Tripartita)


Why should you attend this training?

Software development is extremely hard. Our code is ever evolving and changing. Learning how to create a Rock Solid architecture for our applications is fundamental if we want to build testable applications, to iterate at ease. Patterns, principles and different architectures will help you create the best application possible your users are going to love!


Software design patterns, architectures and principles should be part of every developer toolbox. This course covers the following topics which adds to 16 hours of training.

  • Coupling vs Cohesion.

  • Single responsibility principle.

  • Open close principle.

  • Liskov substitution principle.

  • Interface segregation principle.

  • Dependency inversion principle.

  • Software design patterns for mobile.

  • User interface patterns: MVP vs MVVM vs MVC.

  • Clean architecture.

  • Unit testing.

Prerequisites & requirements

Pick any language used for mobile development such as Swift, Kotlin or Java, laptop and you're all set. A basic knowledge about OOP is desirable.


560€ per attendee (IVA included). The class size may range from 6 to 16 but if your team is smaller just contact us and we'll see if we can collaborate. The duration of the training is two days, split into two sessions of eight hours each. Alternatively, we also offer fours sessions of fours hours per session.